Want To Avoid Sharks This Summer? Then ‘Stay Outta Them Oceans’


Meet Veronica-Pooh Nash Poleate. She’s had it up to here with waking up of a morning, turning on the TV and hearing about yet another shark attack happening off the popular tourist beaches of the USA and the wider world. On her way to church one morning, she decides enough is enough. It’s about time somebody with some common sense told these ocean-swimming fools what they’re doing wrong, and what they need to do to avoid getting eaten up by a bunch of sharks. It’s fairly obvious what the problem is here as far as Veronica’s concerned, and she thinks it’s about time everybody else got the message.

Thinking of going swimming in the ocean? Maybe you’ll think twice after you’ve heard what this wise lady has to say in this hilarious new video. We don’t know about you, but we think this lady should be given her own show.

Check it out: