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Have you got a truly awesome story, video or gallery of crazy pictures that you think people out there will love? We’re always looking for cool things to show everyone. So if you think you’ve got something that might do well here on The Thug Bible or in our upcoming book, then get in contact with us. We’re here to entertain people, pass time and show people flat-out awesome things.

So if you’ve got something cool, submit your content to: now.

A quick word from our boring legal team: By sending us in any text, photos, and/or videos, you’re agreeing that the content doesn’t infringe or violate anyone else’s rights or in any other way violates the law. You also grant us what the dudes in ties here call ‘a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, unrestricted and worldwide license’ to publicly display your user content on here at That’s the dull stuff outta the way. Now on with the fun…

We look forward to hearing from you!