Kanye West Interrupted On Stage At Glastonbury Festival


Kanye got a taste of his own medicine this weekend as his headline performance at the UK’s Glastonbury Festival was interrupted by English comedian, Lee Nelson. As West began to sing Black Skinhead, Nelson – wearing a ‘Lee-zus’ t-shirt – ran on to the stage and started performing alongside him. The comedian was soon pulled off stage by a member of the festival crew, forcing Kanye to call a halt to the song and start over. Nelson later told reporters that he had done it for Taylor Swift. “I’ve out Kanye’d Kanye,” he said, referring to the 2009 MTV Music Video Awards where Kanye famously got up on stage and interrupted Swift’s acceptance speech to tell the audience Beyonce should have won.

Looks like Kanye got a dose of his own medicine. Did he deserve it? You decide …