Mom Turns To Adult Movies So She Can Buy Her Son Christmas Presents


A British mom who didn’t think she could afford Christmas for her and her young son Ashton struck upon an ingenious way to pay for the festive season… P*rn!

Megan Clara began acting in adult movies recently and the $750+ per scene has allowed her to have a spectacular Christmas

“I do glamour modelling and sex films, I enjoy what I do and I’m not hurting anyone else, some people are just jealous.”

“I can spend my money how I like too, I don’t spend it on alcohol, drugs or smoking, why shouldn’t I spend it on Ashton and myself.”

Megan Clara

Last Christmas I could barely scrape any money together, it was really tough and I couldn’t help but worry Ashton was going to be left out and disappointed.”

Megan Clara

“People say he’s spoilt but he’s not, he’s my only son and I finally have the money to get him really nice things.”

Megan Clara

Obviously, we ain’t gonna link you to the real thing, but here’s an intro…

We’re sure you can track down the real thing if you really care. You know, for ‘research purposes’.