Koenigsegg Team Sets Out To Smash 0-300-0 KPH World Record In The One:1


In 2011, the team behind the Koenigsegg Agera R set a new world record of 0-300-0 km/h in 21.9 seconds. That’s zero to one hundred and eighty six miles per hour and back down to zero in American money – an impressive feat, we’re sure you’ll agree. Now, in 2015, the Koenigsegg team are back to try and smash that record. This time they’re in the astonishing Koenigsegg One:1, described by the company as its first ‘megacar’ thanks to its 1360 PS power output being the equivalent of one megawatt.

Will they smash the record they set four years ago? Oh, and will they attempt to do it while driving one of the world’s fastest motor vehicles no-handed? Check out the video to find out …