Couple Leaves A Note Behind for A Man When They Realize He’s On A Date With Someone That’s Not His Wife!


On Valentine’s Day, a couple went out for the evening to enjoy each other’s company over a meal and a few drinks. It wasn’t long though before they became somewhat distracted by the two people on the table next to them. Also clearly out for a Valentine’s meal, it was quite obvious that they man’s date was not his wife.

The couple were going to ignore what they saw but then realized that they couldn’t leave the situation without saying something. So the woman grabbed a pen from her purse and scribbled this on the back of the check – putting it on the table when the man quickly nipped to the men’s room…


The note in full:

‘Hi there!

Sorry to spy, but my husband and I saw you out with your little date and were so impressed with what a great Dad you are.

From two adults who grew up without dads, it’s so important to have a male role model at a young age.

Keep up the good work Dad!

Dinner is on us!’