We’ve got a couple of heroes for you here now. A superhero, Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr. himself) and a real-life hero (Alex, a 7 year-old born with a partially developed right arm). The two were brought together to compare bionic arms by a prosthetics expert Albert Manero II, the founder of 3-D printed ‘bionic’ arms, Limbitless Solutions.
Albert’s a cool guy and he’s doing lots of great work for kids and people all across the world. But he’s not quite as cool as Tony Stark, is he? So who better to unveil Alex’s sweet new arm, huh?
Check it out – this is arm’s gonna make this kid a total Thug…
Thug Fact:
Tom Cruise very nearly played Iron Man. We can’t see it, can you? Still, it’s better than Nicolas Cage in the suit. He almost signed on too. Quentin Tarantino was slated to direct at one point too. Now that would’ve been cool…