Find Out What Happens When Leggings Go Wrong…


Fashions come and go, don’t they? Even the bad ones we see come back around. We’re hoping the mullet and the box top never get cool again, though.

The eighties were all about the leggings. Especially with anklewarmers. Now, we don’t know about those neon socks, but leggings are definitely fashionable again. But these bad boys go wrong.

And here’s the proof…

They’re inside out, sweetheart.

Leggings Fails


Double trouble.

Leggings Fails


Guess what he’s looking at…

Leggings Fails


Holy sh*t!

Leggings Fails


Dude… Seriously?!

Leggings Fails


Trust us, she IS wearing leggings here…

Leggings Fails


And so is this woman.

Leggings Fails



Leggings Fails


Oh dear.

Leggings Fails


That’s more like it.

Leggings Fails



Leggings Fails



Leggings Fails

DAMN. Some serious leggings fails, there.