DIY Thugs Don’t Pay For Their Silencers – They Use Car Oil Filters…


Down ol’ Tennessee way they take their guns seriously. People have been heading down to the woods to shoot things for centuries down there, so they know what they’re talking about. Deep South Thugs have a few tips on how to save money too. The dude you’re about to meet will tell you why you’d be a total fool to part with a thousand bucks for a silencer/suppressor for your piece.

Oil filters. They’re the solution. Simple car oil filters you can pick up for just a few bucks from an auto shop. With a special adapter you can buy for just $75, you can be firing out pretty much noise-free bullets with your own homemade silencer! It’s cheap, safe and the way forward…

Thug fact:
In the US, there are 90 registered guns for every resident of the country. That’s the highest in the world. By some huge distance.