Top Porn Star Tips That Are Guaranteed To Work For You!


Sex tips. Not all of you are gonna need to know these, but it’s always worth having a brief refresher, we always think. A top up. Sharpen your game…

And who better to take tips from that the pros? Adult actors and actresses have sex for money all day. They know about doing it right. So why not learn from the masters!?

And there are plenty of porny things that translate into real life and can be used in your bedroom successfully too. Here are our favorite thirteen…

It’s a Two Way Street

Receiving oral? Don’t just lie there… You can still stimulate your partner – just get creative! Ladies – getting head? Why not try using your feet to help a brother out a little?

Sex Tips

Original OG

Keen to show some true Thug Love? Don’t just use straightened fingers with your lady. Hook your fingers a little, you’re more likely to find her G-Spot.

Easy with those nipples

Those things ain’t dials on a car stereo. Take it easy. And don’t just focus only on the nipple. Women’s breasts are sensitive in other areas too, y’know.

Sex Tips

Going deep?

Getting a lot back there is a pure porn move, but it’s possible with time, patience, confidence and the right angle…

Talk dirty

You might feel stupid first time, but it’s bound to be a turn-on for your partner. Especially if you’re real close to their ear. Be careful though, dude – don’t be calling your girl a ho straight off the bat. Judge it!

If you like it then you better put a ring on it

Girls – keep the blood in there and get things nice and swollen by gripping the base of the shaft real hard with your thumb and forefinger. Failing that, buy a ring…

Sex Tips

Pinch it

Looks a bit porno-y, but gently – but firmly – pinching your woman’s vulva stimulates her clitoris.

A classic… The ‘reach-around’!

Coming in from behind? Got a spare hand? Get it round to the front and make use of that thing…

Get rough

Again, you gotta judge this stuff. But a little light hair pulling can drive anyone wild. Don’t ruin a woman’s expensive ‘do, though.

So, there you are. Plenty of tips to try out. Give ’em a whirl. And good luck!