Couple Indulge In ‘Intimate’ Moment In The Middle Of Their Office Christmas Party


The setting: The Gallery cafe bar in the Russian city of Khabarovsk in Khabarovsk Krai region in the south east of the huge country. The scenario: The office Christmas party. The controversy: Two colleagues getting in on. And we mean ON in front of everyone.

The pair are in the middle of the bar, at a table among all their other colleagues when footage taken clearly shows the woman fellating the dude (that means ‘sucking off’, alright?).

The couple had been smooching for some time but no one there expected things to go to the next level right there in front of everyone.

Christmas Party Russia

You can actually see people moving away from there and everything. CRAZY.

So, then. Here it is. the moment that this one woman will never live down…