Gynecologist Removes Cow Tongue From Woman’s Vagina After She Complained Of Smell


What’s the weirdest thing ever removed from the human body? Well, we don’t know for sure, but we think we might have found a pretty good candidate… Doctors and specialists at The West Alabama’s Woman’s Health Center were shocked when a woman was admitted to their clinic complaining of a foul odor coming from her genital area.

Gynecologist Dr. Bill Wright recalls the 27 year-old woman as being ‘kind of a sort of shy and timid girl‘. But after what they found? He had to change his mind…

Dr. Wright told local news station: “The young girl had an appointment scheduled with me for a problem she said had been occurring for over a week. It was a foul smell in the genital area that was concerning her the most. She thought she might have some type of bacterial infection. But when I examined her. I saw something I have never seen in the 30 years I’ve been practicing medicine. The stench was horrifying.”

Dr. Wright went on to say that when he first inserted the speculum into the patient he felt an obstruction. But when he couldn’t shift it, he knew that immediate surgery was required.

She was transported to a nearby hospital where she was given emergency surgery to take out the ‘mystery object’.  That mystery object, it turned out, was a rotting cow’s tongue


“At first she said she had no idea how a cow’s tongue could have ever got ‘up there’. She was just devastated,” Dr. Wright went on. “Until her friend, who was by her bedside, helped to fill in the blanks.”

According to sources, the woman’s best friend said this to her before the procedure: “Remember that night two weeks ago when we got really drunk with those guys? That guy said he wanted to ‘try something different’ with you, and you said ‘ok’. You went to the bedroom, and he went to the fridge. Looked like he pulled out a package of meat. I had no idea what was going on and figured it was none of my business. You must’ve been real drunk!”

The young lady had the option for a media blackout but gave her permission for the story to be told in order to help raise awareness of such incidents. She apparently just suffered a mild infection and was released from the hospital the very next day. She is said to be happy and in good condition.