Mexico’s Biggest Drug Lord Escapes From Prison… AGAIN!


Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman of Almoloya De Juarez, Mexico is the world’s most notorious drugs kingpin. A slippery character, he evaded the police for years via a series of smart bribes, systems and escape plans. But, like (nearly) all criminals, he was eventually arrested and imprisoned. But not for long. His jail time lasted less than a year. Why? Well, it’s not because of good behavior, that’s for sure. He broke out.

That’s right, “El Chapo” has escaped MAXIMUM SECURITY prison. For the SECOND TIME! Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto is, obviously, unimpressed by the events as the incident doesn’t look good on his administration. Especially as most logical people are thinking that a brown paper envelope stuffed full of cash must have be used at some point. Cakes with nail files aren’t the way these days…

Check out what went down: