This Is What Ronda Rousey Does To A Guy When He Says She Can’t Beat Him Up


It’s never a good idea to trash talk a UFC fighter, regardless of their sex. Aaron Tru, a web host, found this out in a brutal fashion when interviewing MMA star, Ronda Rousey. Tru starts the interview by jokingly trotting out cliches about female fighters. He tells Rousey that he doesn’t think she has “as much strength and can compete with a man.” To which a visibly agitated Rousey responds with “You know how to push my buttons!”

As well as Rousey being an expert mixed martial artist, Tru is merely a white belt, which make his comments even more baffling. He is made to eat his words, and spectacularly.

The moral of this story? Don’t be a douchebag. Otherwise you might end up in a lot of pain!