Young Punk Messes With Old Guy’s Daughters – And Gets Knocked CLEAN OUT!


If you’re a man with a mom, sister, daughter, wife, girlfriend, grandmother, auntie, niece or female friend (basically, if you’re a man), you’re not going to appreciate some idiot harassing and swearing at your friends and family.

The older guy you’re about to see certainly isn’t very impressed with the young punk on the beach him and his wife and daughters are on, when he starts mouthing off. You can tell that the dad character isn’t a naturally violent man, but he’s left with little option…

The punk starts swearing at his daughters – calling them the C-word and everything. Maaaaan… You’ve gotta be able to back up a mouth like that. And the punk tries to back it up by throwing the first punch. But he doesn’t connect. The old guy’s a secret Thug, though. Just watch what he does…

BOOM! Lights out.