Drummer Plays “Jingle Booty” On The Butt Bongos With 4 Friends – But Just Wait ’til The End!


His name is Jorge Pérez and he’s pretty crazy. Okay, not literally. He’s not mentally unwell. We don’t think. But when we tell you what the man’s job is – you’ll soon know what we mean. He’s a ‘Butt Drummer‘. He made his big debut and introduced the idea of butt drumming to the world on Ukraine’s Got Talent, the popular Eastern European TV talent show.

And now he’s now landed a TV commercial. Drumming butts. That’s right. His butt bongos are getting it. But with a Christmas theme.

The Canadian ad agency Zulu Alpha Kilo got him to record and film a very special rendition of Jingle Bells and you’ve gotta see it. Wait ’til the end too…

Butt Drummer

To be fair to the dude, he’s got serious rhythm… Not to mention awesome concentration skills. Pretty sure we’d get quite easily distracted here.

Butt Drummer
