Kid Suplexed And Beat Up After Tagging Dude’s Girl In ‘Send Nudes’ Video Online


‘Send nudes’. It’s a bit of a meme. A phrase you see a lot online. It’s tongue in joke, a joke. But it can be taken the wrong way. Or used the wrong way. And if you’re caught by a girl – or worse, her boyfriend – there can be very real consequences IRL.

Just ask this kid. He tagged a girl’s name in a picture on Instagram with the phrase ‘Send Nudes’. And her boyfriend got annoyed. So annoyed that he smacked the kid silly and SUPLEXED him in the parking lot of their school…

They look like they’re attending the whitest school in America. The kid that slams the other one? He looks like he’s going to meet his dad on the yacht after the fight!

Send Nudes Kid Beat Up

They’re only young, but these kids can fight. All those years spent watching WWE and UFC, no doubt.

Send Nudes Kid Beat Up

Here’s why you shouldn’t request a girl send you nudes publicly when she has a boyfriend…