Mom Finds Dirty Pics Of Daughter And Her Man, Turns On Facebook LIVE And THIS Happens!


Facebook can drive you wild sometimes. Just ask the mom in this video. She stumbled across some pictures of her sixteen year-old daughter on there that were a little risque, a little naughty… And some pics of the girl with her boyfriend. And momma flipped OUT!

“I work too hard. Do you want to drive me crazy?!” She screams as she starts beating on her kid. With her hands and, incredibly, a piece of wood.

While it isn’t yet known if the police have become involved or not yet, the hepped-up mom did later take to Facebook again. This time to share a short message of remorse and guilt…

“I love my daughter with all my heart and she is not going to disrespect me or herself or nobody,” she wrote on the social media channel. “Ain’t nothing changed, she still my baby girl. Lesson learned.”

Angry Mom

Here it is. This is one seriously crazy momma…