Bachelor Party Stripper Fills Her Butt Up With Beer Then Sprays It All Out


Ever been to a bachelor party? They can be pretty raucous events. A bunch of guys get together to toast a friend getting married. Could be a night, could be a whole weekend. They’re usually debauched and ALWAYS soaked in beer. So, so much beer. Hey, dudes drink beer, they love it. So do some women. Like this girl here…

Mind you, she can’t keep it in her. She’s spraying it all over the place. But she’s not vomiting. Oh no. You’ve got the wrong idea. This ‘girl’ is a stripper and when she sprays beer, it’s out of her butt.

Yup. Seriously. It’s a party trick. Or a living, we’re not sure. All we do know, though – it’s weird. Very, very weird.


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