Drunk Idiot Jumps Off Roof At Party; Instantly Regrets It!


Drink. It’s a wonderful thing. If you can handle it, that is. But if you can’t? Well, then… It’s a truly dangerous thing. After all, why would you attempt jumping off a roof at a party sober? Well, you just wouldn’t, would you?

This guy’s not sober, though. He’s drunk. So he tries the jump. But it does NOT go to plan…

Craziest thing about this is, well, that he does it at all. And that it’s not even dark. But the main thing that gets us? If you listen closely, you can tell that the crowd are encouraging him NOT to jump! So it’s hardly peer pressure…

Jump Off Roof

Okay, then. Here goes. One of the stupidest jumps you’ll ever see…
