‘Prankster’ Pays Girls $100 To Flash Their Titties On The Street; Uses Fake Money…


Well, here’s a depressing video for you. It’s nothing nasty. Nobody dies, no gorillas get shot, but it’s still enough to make you wince and fear for the future of the world. There’s no hope or reason to be cheerful here.

It’s a prank. “It’s just a prank, bro!” From some amateur schmuck called RiskyRobTV. Ol’ Rob has clearly seen that pranks can make a fair bit of money for people so he’s decided to give it a go. And flashing pranks are usually popular, aren’t they?

In this one, The Riskmeister is handing out $100 to girls to flash their cans on camera. Only the money ain’t real. RiskyRobTV. A class act.


Hey, it’s not going to win any awards, but it’s worth watching. For research purposes only, of course.