In Living Color was a hit Fox comedy show written by and starring Damon and Keenen Wayans that ran on the network from 1990 to 1994. Set up as a direct rival to the mostly all-white Saturday Night Live, In Living Color featured a host of then unknown actors and comedians including Jamie Foxx, Jim Carrey, Tommy Davidson and T’Keyah Crystal Keymáh. After the brothers fell out with the network over creative control issues, Jamie Foxx would go on to have a succesful career as an actor, winning an Oscar for his portrayal of troubled singer Ray Charles in the 2004 biopic, Ray. Carrey would, of course, become world-famous for his roles as the Mask, Ace Ventura and being out-overacted by none other than the po-faced Tommy Lee Jones in Batman Forever.
The Wayans would go to make White Chicks.
Before all that, Foxx and Carrey starred in this hilarious In Living Color cop skit, set a year after the Rodney King incident that sparked riots across Los Angeles and led to global condemnation of US policing methods. Carrey pulls out all the stops here, showing early signs of his over-the-top personality that would endear him to audiences across the globe. Foxx is, of course, as cool as they come.
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