NAILED IT! Dude Accidentally Shoots Nail Through His Own Penis


A man in Swansea, Wales just shoot himself through the penis with a nailgun! Accidentally, though. At work.

The guy’s workmate said this of the incident: “For want of a better phrase, the nail was pretty much through his d*ck. He came over to me and said he’d shot himself. Then I saw it. I just went white. I said to him, ‘Jesus, what’s that?’ I couldn’t believe it.”

“He wasn’t crying or screaming in pain or anything, he was just dead calm. It hadn’t fazed him at all.”

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The poor guy himself said this: “It makes your eyes water. Even looking back I’m flinching. I’m very relieved it wasn’t me. I had a couple of dates coming up that weekend.”

Nail Penis

He’s alright now, though. Luckily.

These things happen, though. This guy in Bangkok (LOL) got his johnson caught in a steel ring…

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Those are some pretty heavy duty tools!

Nail Penis

Keep safe, guys…