Dude Burns Face Badly And Loses 7 Teeth When His Vape Pen EXPLODES In His Face!


Pocatello, Idaho.  A 30 year-old man is recovering in hospital after a terrible accident involving his vaping pen caused him to lose SEVEN TEETH… The thing EXPLODED!

Andrew Hall was getting ready for work when he took a hit and before he knew it? The thing blew up and he was in serious trouble.

‘Yesterday morning I was getting ready for work when I had something happen to me that I didn’t expect possible. I Vape (I know, terrible and uncool) but I no longer do and I hope to possible sway those that do to maybe reevaluate or find other methods of smoking.’

Vape pen explosion

‘I’ve been doing this for about a year now and assure you I did not do anything I wasn’t supposed to (battery was in right, always had the shop put it together when I first bought it and add things and maintenance it the right way while taking their advice) but it exploded in my face.’

‘I’ve lost at least 7 teeth, 2nd degree burns to face and neck and have been pulling chunks of plastic, teeth and foreign objects from mouth, throat and lips.’

This is not nice. Here’s more: