Girl Strips Totally Naked In Public After Boyfriend Refuses To Buy Her An iPhone 6!


When a new Apple product comes out, you know how crazy people get, right? They queue up for days and scramble into the stores to get the new iPhone, don’t they? These smartphones do insane things to people. Just ask the boyfriend of the woman you’re about to meet.

This Chinese couple were having an argument on the street and things were getting heated. Apparently he’d refused to buy her a brand new iPhone 6. And she wasn’t happy about it. In fact, she was livid. So what do you do when you lose your temper? Apparently for this girl, you strip in the street!

iPhone6 Naked

We don’t know how exactly the fight ends between the two lovers. Or whether she got her hands on the cellphone she so clearly wanted, so who knows? We’re confused. We can’t work out if her stripping naked is a good thing or not…

Should this guy dump her??? We don’t know. Maybe you can see what you think after watching CCTV footage of the incident: