Crazed Hockey Player Goes On One Man Rampage And Takes On The Entire Opposition


A film of an ice hockey player taking on an entire opposition team has gone viral. The Beijing Kunlun Red Stars of China were taking on Kazakhstan’s Barys Astana in a mere exhibition match, when the latter’s Damir Ryspayev went berserk. It all started when Ryspayev landed a cheap shot on one of the Kunlun players, Tomáš Marcinko. Not content with hitting one player – who remained prostrate on the floor – Ryspayev started taking on all and sundry, even going for the Kunlun bench!

Kunlun coach Vladimir Jurzinov hauled his team off the ice, hence forfeiting the match. Ryspayev was immediately suspended by the Kazakh hockey board, pending further punishment. We suspect that he could be facing a long ban.