Teens Lure Friend To A Party, Attack Her And Post Horrific Video Online


In this shocking video, a group of teens lure a fourteen year old girl to a party under the pretense that she’s been invited over for a sleepover. Little does she know that the teens plan to attack her. The video, which has quickly gone viral, shows at least five young girls attack Naomi Johnson. They are seen dragging her around by her hair, punching her, and stomping on her. The whole thing is filmed on cellphone.

Naomi was left badly injured after the vicious attack and, according to her parents, required medical treatment totaling $40,000. They say she had been left severely traumatized, bearing not only physical scars, but also mental ones that they claim will take many years to heal.

Despite the attack taking place in July, no formal charges have been brought against the girls who carried out this brutal assault. Anchorage Police say they are aware of the incident, and are investigating. Meanwhile, Naomi’s parents are suing the mother of the girl whose house the attack took place in. They allege that she gave the kids alcohol, and did not intervene when the attack began. WARNING: This video contains scenes of extreme violence that may not be suitable for some viewers.