Girl Goes CRAZY When Dress Looks Different On Her Than On The Model!


You take a risk when you buy things online, don’t you? Sure, it’s more convenient and often cheaper, but sometimes you just can’t beat going to the store and actually checking something out in real life. Like clothes. The amount of threads we’ve bought that didn’t fit or look that great on…

A Chinese woman knows all about what we’re talking about. She was left livid after a purchase she was looking forward to slipping into turned out to be a little, well, disappointing…

This is what she bought:


Nice, huh? We can see why she put her order in at the eCommerce clothing store Taobao. Let’s just have another look, shall we…?


Aye, aye, aye… Anywhere, where were we? Oh yeah. A Chinese shopper, some might say an ambitious or even mildly delusional one, bought the dress, but was less than impressed with the results.


It wasn’t quite as flattering as the version she’d seen online. Mind you, she doesn’t quite have the same figure, does she???


She was so angry, she posted the comparison pictures online and ranted for days. We bet her man was pleased to be hearing all this. Damn. Poor guy.